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Topics - Zankishu

Archive / Zankishu
August 03, 2023, 02:02:30 PM
Your ingame name: Zankishu
Date of Ban: (Day/Month/Year) I realized that I was banned when I tried to enter the game, so I don't know.
Ban reason: Throwing Cars/ID Swapping
Admin who banned you:For the same reason as I mentioned in the question above.
Ban ID: 6967
Why should you be unbanned?: The reason I was constantly entering and exiting the game was to find the cleo that caused the crash by deleting and reinstalling the cleos. The reason why I spawn vehicles all the time is that when I was organizing my mod pack, I sorted the vehicles in my mod pack in a region and I was going to spawn vehicles and check the mod I installed. I didn't know this was wrong, sorry.

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