Unban appeal.

Started by Frozty137, October 02, 2015, 09:14:16 PM

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Your ingame name: Frozty137
Date of Ban: Today.
Ban reason: Disrepsect/Spam??? and Dming.
Admin who banned you: Jessica.
Ban ID: -161
Why should you be unbanned?:  Okay lets begin. First of all I did not disrespect anyone, I will be filing a complaint again Jessica for the abuse of her powers, second I did not spam anything, the chat was being flooded with other people. DMING? I went to them and started shooting them, and Zupps shot me with a minigun as-well, I was just kidding, there is no rule on that? They had god mode on?
I wish to be unbanned this is unacceptable, admin lying just to ban me.



>:))::) ::)

You Got Banned For Many Thing You Have DOne Before. Like Spam Was Before From Other Times.

You Were Provoking Zupps Telling Him YOu Would Post A Complaint Against Him WHen He was Talking to meee. Sajugs Told You Not to PRovoke him. You Were DMING both of us with AK in world 0.


I find it very unrealistic how you're coming here posting these smiley faces when you've abused your powers. I told him I was going to post a complaint because what he said to you, I mean look at this.

He called you a skanky hoe. Seriously? I got in-trouble for talking to my friends like that, and I'm not even provoking him.

And me provoking him? Look at this.

And things I've done before? You have no right to ban me on things I've done before, you can't even prove on 'things I've done before' so no, invalid, you've abused your powers.


You Were Banned For The Disrespects Provokings and Spams From Before!

Also Zupps Can Talk To mE How He Wants Because We'Re Friends........

You And Zupps Are Not Friends So Dont Say That You Got Reported For Disrespecting Friends.

You Were Clearly Told By Sajugs Not To Stirr Up An Argument With Zupps yet you did.
  :-X :-X :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\

Also You DMed Zupps First and Teleproted To HIm and Tried to Provoke him

have a nice day  :o :o 8)


Wtf is this? Are you serious?


Well well. Someone's been caught by a wild Jessica.

You came online and started provoking Zupps when he wasn't even talking to you. As soon as he said something you went ''enjoy a report on forum''. After that, you would teleport to him in your car and attempt to ram him. Finally, at /ls you would shooting him AND Jessica with an AK-47.

Also adding in the previous cases of spam and disrespect I think this ban was well deserved.

I gave you so many chances to change and sort it out with Zupps but you just didn't take them. You kept disrespecting and provoking.

Kind of a shame to ban you since Die4Peace and few others are under your IP. Well, they'll know who to blame.

Maybe they'll break your PC as an insurance to unban your IP ;)


I wish to be unbanned please



Look man, I'm sorry, I come here to have fun I can be a dick sometimes its just who I am, I mean people come everyday insult/spam/disrespect/dm all the time and they dont' get perm banned, I'm the one always getting targeted. The way I talk I do not intend harm to anyone, and for Zupps I didn't mean to provoke him, its just hes always saying things provoking me just in a different manner. Please just unban me man, I love the server and I love playing the server, I'm an active guy, I get on everyday for atleast an hour and play with my friends that I bring.. Sorry for the way I've been acting I'll try my best to change.

And for Jessica, I just find it unprofessional how you're posting these gifs and pictures in a ban appeal, no offense intended.


Quote from: Frozty137 on October 03, 2015, 11:13:41 PM
Look man, I'm sorry, I come here to have fun I can be a dick sometimes its just who I am, I mean people come everyday insult/spam/disrespect/dm all the time and they dont' get perm banned, I'm the one always getting targeted. The way I talk I do not intend harm to anyone, and for Zupps I didn't mean to provoke him, its just hes always saying things provoking me just in a different manner. Please just unban me man, I love the server and I love playing the server, I'm an active guy, I get on everyday for atleast an hour and play with my friends that I bring.. Sorry for the way I've been acting I'll try my best to change.

And for Jessica, I just find it unprofessional how you're posting these gifs and pictures in a ban appeal, no offense intended.

How do you know that others who disrespect/spam don't get banned? They do. You're not being specifically targeted.

As for Jessica, I think she just can't bring herself to be serious with a guy like you who said he would change already twice and didn't.


How am I not changing? I don't disrespect anyone, I only say things to Zupps and he finds everything I say to him an insult, the other people I talk to are my friends and the way I talk to them they do not find it offensive just Zupps.


Quote from: Frozty137 on October 04, 2015, 01:53:24 PM
How am I not changing? I don't disrespect anyone, I only say things to Zupps and he finds everything I say to him an insult, the other people I talk to are my friends and the way I talk to them they do not find it offensive just Zupps.

You were banned twice already. After your first ban you still proceeded to disrespect and spam. After the second, I specifically told you to just ignore Zupps and not provoke him and if he's provoking you - report him and ignore it.

Checking the logs it's clear that you provoked him first. Just going all out random and saying he's ugly and got you banned IS provoking. No matter what you think, under our policy it's provoking.

Quote from: Frozty137
[01/10/2015 (00:36:52)] Frozty137 (9): if u like My nigga Hupps at school and suck dick u good
[01/10/2015 (00:37:23)] Frozty137 (9): my nigga Hupps at school lol we call him that was he humpty dumpty
[01/10/2015 (00:37:57)] Frozty137 (9): Hupps a bitch doe, I talk  behind his back cause he cries a lot lol
[01/10/2015 (03:56:05)] Frozty137 (2): damn nigga big papaya head ass beach beer mexico drinking ass boi
[01/10/2015 (04:00:21)] Frozty137 (2): umad
[01/10/2015 (04:00:23)] Frozty137 (2): umad
[01/10/2015 (04:00:23)] Frozty137 (2): umad
[02/10/2015 (02:43:18)] Frozty137 (2): yall know zupps?
[02/10/2015 (02:43:23)] Johnny_Simson (1): yea
[02/10/2015 (02:43:25)] $Wiz$ (0): Yeah why?
[02/10/2015 (02:43:25)] Frozty137 (2): he whines too much
[02/10/2015 (02:43:29)] Johnny_Simson (1): lol
[02/10/2015 (02:43:34)] Frozty137 (2): complaint on everything
[02/10/2015 (02:43:37)] Johnny_Simson (1): lol
[02/10/2015 (02:43:43)] Frozty137 (2): look at forums section
[02/10/2015 (02:43:48)] Frozty137 (2): or complaint section
[02/10/2015 (02:43:49)] Johnny_Simson (1): lol
[02/10/2015 (02:43:53)] Frozty137 (2): whine whine whine
[02/10/2015 (02:43:58)] Frozty137 (2): yess\
[02/10/2015 (02:47:56)] Frozty137 (2): WTF
[02/10/2015 (02:47:57)] Frozty137 (2): habgah


I fail to see where disrespectful is?


Quote from: Frozty137 on October 04, 2015, 03:10:40 PM
I fail to see where disrespectful is?

You need some glasses then. Or a visit to a psychologist.


Goodness. Maybe Jess likes being referred to in such a way. This doesn't mean you can get caught disrespecting other people many more times and get away with it.

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