(Ban Appeal) [S.V.G]Alnadhiry

Started by [S.V.G]Alnadhiry, October 04, 2015, 10:56:02 PM

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Your ingame name: [S.V.G]Alnadhiry
Date of Ban: 4/10/15
Ban reason: Weapon Hacks
Admin who banned you: Sajugs
Ban ID: #167
Why should you be unbanned?: I think I should be unbanned because I didnt intend to hack or anything I have been on this server for more than like 1 year or something not sure and I have brought so many people to this server I have good releationship with members and Admins.


How did you ''not intend'' to hack? How does one uninentionally install a weaponhack, spawn a gun and start shooting people in spawn zone?


I really didn't spawn any gun and I didn't shoot anyone I just installed some mods and Sebby's ENB and I came on to talk to Sebby then I dont know what I pressed and I saw an AK spawn and it dissappeard and I dont even have weapon hacks why would I even hack on Movie Server like fr If I wanted guns I could have went to LS and spawned guns and started shooting around or go in DM but I actually didnt hack here you need to trust me on this.


[quote author=[S.V.G]Alnadhiry link=topic=133.msg636#msg636 date=1443999684]
I really didn't spawn any gun and I didn't shoot anyone I just installed some mods and Sebby's ENB and I came on to talk to Sebby then I dont know what I pressed and I saw an AK spawn and it dissappeard and I dont even have weapon hacks why would I even hack on Movie Server like fr If I wanted guns I could have went to LS and spawned guns and started shooting around or go in DM but I actually didnt hack here you need to trust me on this.


You did spawn guns. You did shoot (for atleast 8 seconds according to chat).


On my screen I didn't even see shooting I just saw an AK spawn and disappear I litreally didn't hack anything I don't even know where it came from I'm currently looking at my GTA folder looking at the mods I just downloaded


[quote author=[S.V.G]Alnadhiry link=topic=133.msg638#msg638 date=1443999921]
On my screen I didn't even see shooting I just saw an AK spawn and disappear I litreally didn't hack anything I don't even know where it came from I'm currently looking at my GTA folder looking at the mods I just downloaded

So how did you magically get this AK?


I'm not sure I really don't know I just deleted all my mods and testing them out again to make sure it doesn't happen again on somewhere else or anything but trust me I don't even know how it spawned and started shooting on my screen I saw an AK spawning then it disappeared but I didn't shoot anyone or do anything I'm really sorry for that.


Sajugs Im really sorry for what happen I have deleted my whole GTA Folder to make sure it doesn't happen again please may I get unbanned please I really wanna come online and play please.


So you installed a ENB and somehow it also had a weaponhack as a bonus?


It was not just ENB it was with some other mods from GTAAll but I deleted the whole GTA Folder now please come on Sajugs I have been on this server for a long time I have never hacked guns or anything else I really dont know how this happen I really sorry all Im asking is to be unbanned please I apologise for what happen.


Sorry to intervene but in the chat it clearly says "Wanna see something?" And it was intentional.


I was talking about something else when I said ''wanna see something'' and then I said ''Get off the bike''  I was taking an SS of the NRG you had because I had just downloaded a mod for it, It wasn't about what you think it was about. I'm not a guy who guys on the Web and search for hacks and download them on my laptop.


[quote author=[S.V.G]Alnadhiry link=topic=133.msg650#msg650 date=1444069142]
I was talking about something else when I said ''wanna see something'' and then I said ''Get off the bike''  I was taking an SS of the NRG you had because I had just downloaded a mod for it, It wasn't about what you think it was about. I'm not a guy who guys on the Web and search for hacks and download them on my laptop.

So did the hacks install themselves?


I dont even know what hack it was and I didnt download any hack I was downloading Mods from gtaall.


[quote author=[S.V.G]Alnadhiry link=topic=133.msg652#msg652 date=1444069557]
I dont even know what hack it was and I didnt download any hack I was downloading Mods from gtaall.

Well if you didn't download and install it how did it get in your PC?

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