ban apeal

Started by Alucard., May 31, 2019, 06:37:04 PM

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Your ingame name: Alucard_Hellsing
Date of Ban: (Day/Month/Year) for perpetuity
Ban reason: Hacks/gun hax
Admin who banned you: Server anti-chat
Ban ID: #2441
Why should you be unbanned?:Why do you want you to unlock me? Because I did not start to upload Youtube videos the most I want to show my samp modifications such as on vehicles, weapons, sounds. And I like to adjust the map and publicize my work. My GTA folder
file:///C:/Users/PC/Desktop/Be%20pavadinimo.png if this not work new link


So, tell us why you got banned.. Put some effort in your application if you want it to be even considered.



Ban appeal inactive, locked.

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