Unban appeal - Skaby

Started by Skaby, June 06, 2020, 01:22:34 AM

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Your ingame name: Skaby
Date of Ban: (Day/Month/Year) 6/62020
Ban reason: Car Throwing/ID Swapping
Admin who banned you: ANTI-CHEAT
Ban ID: 3857
Why should you be unbanned?: I don't even know what happened, we were playing on hotpursuit, it was like 10th match? idk. I got desynced I think. Firstly I didn't realize anything. I rammed traitor's car, they went on AFK and in seconds I got banned.


Sorry, but that's not how the system works. You got banned for using a cheat that switches you between cars and/or throws them. So what really happened?


Already said everything what I could. That's what happened and I don't really know how system works, because I'm not the one who makes it. But we all know, that nothing is perfect.
Everyone know, that everyone's able to unban with just admit and typing few words of "unban me, I won't..." but I'm not the one, because I didn't do anything wrong, that's why I'm waiting that much time. I said everything what happened and nothing more.
So, I don't have anything to add. I don't even know what happened, but I think, that it was because of desync and lag.


The system bans you if you switch between multiple car IDs in a short period of time. That kind of thing is not caused by playing Hot Pursuit or being desynced.


I don't really know how system works, but I know one thing, that I didn't do anything wrong. My GTA files are clear more than Switzerland's water


We appreciate the hyperbole, but if you don't appear to know what has gone wrong and we know for a fact it's not server-side, maybe your GTA files aren't all that pristine, after all?

You're welcome to explain why exactly you're innocent or just admit you're not completely truthful.


It's hot coffee, 500mb version, not full. I don't really know if it has some files inside, but not sure exactly about it. I downloaded it from internet and nothing suspicious was while playing. let me check.


Checked it out yet? You know, the mod that's supposed to let you get intimate in private interiors but somehow apparently made you randomly switch vehicles without you knowing?


Appeal locked & archived due to inactivity.
You can still write another one when you feel like clearing this up for us.

Best regards,

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