Ban appeal

Started by Ajae_Barclay, February 03, 2016, 11:51:37 PM

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I was banned for HH and Armor hacks. I would like to get unbanned because I love the server and most of my friends play it. I decided to HH because I thought I wouldn't get caught and I pulled a fast one and I apologize. I also ban evaded a couple of times because when I was registering to make a ban appeal the email wasn't working, but for some reason it is. Please take my ban appeal into consideration and unban me please.


When you make a ban appeal you should use this format as listed.,6.0.html

It's the proper format and makes it MUCH MUCH easier for the banning admin to handle.

Good luck!


Make the ban appeal using the proper format. We can't handle the appeal since you have not provided the information we require.

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