Ban appeal

Started by Ajae_Barclay, February 18, 2016, 03:01:59 AM

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Your ingame name: Ajae_Barclay I think (Ill give you my ip to unban it if neded)

Date of Ban: Don't remember. like 2 months ago.

Ban reason: Armor Hacks

Admin who banned you: Sajugs

Ban ID: Don't remember

Why should you be unbanned?:  I was banned for HH and Armor hacks. I would like to get unbanned because I love the server and most of my friends play it. I decided to HH because I thought I wouldn't get caught and I pulled a fast one and I apologize. I also ban evaded a couple of times because when I was registering to make a ban appeal the email wasn't working, but for some reason it is. Please take my ban appeal into consideration and unban me please.


Sigh. It's always good to see people admittig the truth. To save the admins some time, connect to the secret with your banned named and your appeal ID will come up. Remember that number and edit your ban appeal.


You still haven't provided all the information to process your ban appeal. Ban ID is required for any action to be taken.


I will give it in a sec.



Server doesn't work. It says retrieving info.



If you're not aware, the server is currently down for a while. When we'll get the next host it will be up, so this ban appeal is postponed until then.


Ban appeal inactive.

Locked & archived.

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