Ban appeal - 2_op - Unbang mi acoconut

Started by 2_op, April 02, 2021, 05:30:45 PM

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Your ingame name:2_op
Date of Ban: (Day/Month/Year) 01.04.2021 [according to the reply in the original complaint (]
Ban reason: vehicle healthhack[fr]
Admin who banned you: Sajugs I guess
Ban ID: 6414
Why should you be unbanned?: I would never intend to hack a 2004 video game. The health points of the cruiser I stole from another officer are not remaining constant on hits in the video. I have no clue why a random no lifer dude with 33 posts, all reports, would be trusted rather than a player you know for way longer. The end.


What we trust is raw data. And 20k health on the vehicle is simply not possible in hot pursuit. We would like a more detailed explanation if you could provide one.


I jacked the cruiser after my car blew up. I don't think I'd have to do so if I had car GM. Another point to mention is that it's HPs change whenever I hit something or get hit by someone. Idk what else to bring to prove that Im clean

Finally, I don't know where the guy seen either '400' health points or me getting it up to '20 000'. The cruiser was damaged and had around 19 500 HPs. That sounds like an attemp to frame a player.


Did you steal an empty car or a car with a cop in it?


as far as I remember I jacked an empty cruiser


I'll assume that it was either a car hacked by someone else or left there by an admin and unban you.

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