Zupps Ban Apple

Started by Zupps, April 30, 2016, 07:41:04 PM

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Your ingame name: Sarugs
Date of Ban: after i ate lunch
Ban reason: impersonation
Admin who banned you: sahugs
Ban ID: 119 + 1 = 120
Why should you be unbanned?: im zopps and I put more hours into the server than the admins listed. I help people. I know everyone. I help and I use the map to its full potential. I am Zupps Mothafuckin Smith

Sajugs being mean 2dAy


Clearly you're not being serious about this case. You need to EXPLAIN your actions and REASONS why you should be unbanned, reasons that actually matter. Nobody cares how many hours you have in the server or how many people you know. Everyone is treated equally, despite how many hours in the game they have.

Impersonation if serious business and people have been banned for it before, so I expected you'd take this more seriously.


Jesus Christ. I'll write a response after I take a shower. Keep this open.


So I might as well as explain everything. When I first joined this server I was linked it through some friends of mine that played LSRP and we needed a break from it so we went here to goof off and do some shootouts. Then I met the people that played here daily and I liked them and I clicked with them. So meanwhile I would say 1 year maybe since I joined I was still playing. Over the time I met Sajugs, Evil, MrName and more. The admins were very very nice and they still are to this day. Well I would beg for mod and/or something along the lines that some servers have which is called like a 'Community Helper' that I wanted to be in. I knew a lot of the commands and I always helped people. I like to help people. After playing and then earning Sajugs' trust he would let me see unreleased maps. I thought it was cool that he did that to me and let me see things. While I was doing that I was begging for mod. After like 2 months of begging I got mod and I was the best fucking mod there was on this server. The most active and the most straight forward person there was on the team. I would give Sajugs lists of people who broke the rules, since I could not ban people only kick via /warn and then clear the chat so it wouldn't spam people. I lost mod due to some guy coming in the server and talking trash saying how he shouldn't be on this server and how shitty this is and how shitty that is. So I kicked him and Sajugs was clearly confused because he kept asking me why I kicked him. I ignored him and then I lost mod. A few days later I logged back in and I stopped ignoring him and we finally discussed what had  happened. I would say a few days, a week maybe even a month after that my PC had broke. It broke for a long time and I had finally gotten it to be fixed and stable. I then logged back in and it was all fine and dandy. No Frozty and no Knight at the time. At the time when I first logged in I hated Knight but then he stopped telling me what to do and I put the past behind me. So after that I was dicking around with some friends having some friendly banter with a few people. (That conversation between Evil, Sajugs and I won't be discussed) So I knew I wasn't gonna get mod back after what I did (Not the kick) so I went 0-100. I would log on and talk trash to people and not care. I knew the admins wouldn't yell at me because I don't think they know the difference between the friendly banter me or the being serious banter me. Today comes around and I was playing and I decided to change my name to Sarugs. I thought it was pretty funny, someone did too since they changed my name to Feggit or something else. I thought it was funny too. Sajugs didn't find it funny when he found out I did /scoreshop and bought the name change instead of making a new account. He then offered me to back out the game and then change my name back to Zupps without having premium. I fought with him over it for like 5 seconds before he banned me. I then made an appeal being a retard in it and it got denied. I then wrote this one explaining what happened before and after.

Now I should be unbanned because I use this server everyday for the minigames, the DM and the people that are in here. Not everyone gets the hello or that what's up when they log into a server. I like the people here and I like the server. The admins too. Hell I like everyone, besides Frozty. I don't like him. I do a lot of things on this server that other serves don't have. A stable playerbase and the whole script itself and mapping. I learned how to do IG mapping with the script that Evil made. See, how many people would know that Evil made the script for the mapping? I pay attention to the little things, or the things I like. I can tell you where I got premium. We were at that big oil refinery next to Area 51, I was in skin 152. I remember the stupid things and when I remember stupid things I remember all the stupid fun moments we all had together, like when I didn't get suspect for like 30 times in a row, or if I beat Evil's race record on anything I can get free premium. Why would I remember all the good times if I didn't want to be here? Why would I want to type all of this if I didn't want to be here. You guys called me a douche ever since and I see it as me having fun. But hey I guess me writing all of this and putting this much effort into a ban appeal isn't enough, then I don't know what is. I shouldn't have changed my name to anything close to yours because what if you put your username somewhere and someone serious offered something for the server and it was a only chance. Or someone mistakes me for you and it goes downhill from there.


Don't see why he was banned, it was clearly a joke and you could've just changed his name back. He couldn't really abuse that name, most people who play the server can differentiate between Sarugs and Sajugs.


I am just leaving this to Evil, Sajugs & other administrators:


Quote from: VolkSWAGen on May 01, 2016, 02:58:21 PM
I am just leaving this to Evil, Sajugs & other administrators:
Doesn't really contribute, he wasn't banned for his attitude, he was banned because he was joking around and changed his name to Sarugs but it was somehow taken as impersonation.


Quote from: Timid on May 01, 2016, 03:01:50 PM
Quote from: VolkSWAGen on May 01, 2016, 02:58:21 PM
I am just leaving this to Evil, Sajugs & other administrators:
Doesn't really contribute, he wasn't banned for his attitude, he was banned because he was joking around and changed his name to Sarugs but it was somehow taken as impersonation.

Are you Zupps' lawyer? It does matter, because he has been insulting me for no reason. He should definitely suffer his punishment. Anyways, I can still make another report.


Quote from: VolkSWAGen on May 01, 2016, 03:09:51 PM
Quote from: Timid on May 01, 2016, 03:01:50 PM
Quote from: VolkSWAGen on May 01, 2016, 02:58:21 PM
I am just leaving this to Evil, Sajugs & other administrators:
Doesn't really contribute, he wasn't banned for his attitude, he was banned because he was joking around and changed his name to Sarugs but it was somehow taken as impersonation.

Are you Zupps' lawyer? It does matter, because he has been insulting me for no reason. He should definitely suffer his punishment. Anyways, I can still make another report.
Who're you to question why I'm posting on the thread? Why are you? All you're showing is that you're sensitive and take words to heart.


Quote from: VolkSWAGen on May 01, 2016, 03:09:51 PM
Quote from: Timid on May 01, 2016, 03:01:50 PM
Quote from: VolkSWAGen on May 01, 2016, 02:58:21 PM
I am just leaving this to Evil, Sajugs & other administrators:
Doesn't really contribute, he wasn't banned for his attitude, he was banned because he was joking around and changed his name to Sarugs but it was somehow taken as impersonation.

Are you Zupps' lawyer? It does matter, because he has been insulting me for no reason. He should definitely suffer his punishment. Anyways, I can still make another report.

This isn't really a courthouse. If you want to report me do it. Since admins were present while I was 'insulting' I'm sure they would have done something. Also Timid was a exadmin who has more say than you will ever do in this server. The whole admin team knows me very well. They can tell the difference. If I was the only one talking and the other person had the admins muted they would be able to tell if I was taking to Frozty or Sajugs.


Lowkey though the part where I timed out and I said your mom kicked the router. That was pretty funny.


Quote from: Timid on May 01, 2016, 03:14:08 PM
Quote from: VolkSWAGen on May 01, 2016, 03:09:51 PM
Quote from: Timid on May 01, 2016, 03:01:50 PM
Quote from: VolkSWAGen on May 01, 2016, 02:58:21 PM
I am just leaving this to Evil, Sajugs & other administrators:
Doesn't really contribute, he wasn't banned for his attitude, he was banned because he was joking around and changed his name to Sarugs but it was somehow taken as impersonation.
Are you Zupps' lawyer? It does matter, because he has been insulting me for no reason. He should definitely suffer his punishment. Anyways, I can still make another report.
Who're you to question why I'm posting on the thread? Why are you? All you're showing is that you're sensitive and take words to heart.

So you're a lawyer and psychologist at the same time? No I don't, I just want the justice to be done.


Quote from: Timid on May 01, 2016, 02:48:29 PM
Don't see why he was banned, it was clearly a joke and you could've just changed his name back. He couldn't really abuse that name, most people who play the server can differentiate between Sarugs and Sajugs.

So you're implying that score should be given for free to everyone who decides that they want to change name? I don't think that's the way things work around here. Even if we changed his username, the changed username would only be available for the current login session, no more than that.

VolkSWAGen and Timid, please stay out of this post as it in no way affects you.

As it goes for you Zupps, you need to wait for Sajugs' verdict on this case, as he was the one who banned you.


Quote from: EvilShadeZ on May 01, 2016, 03:37:49 PM
Quote from: Timid on May 01, 2016, 02:48:29 PM
Don't see why he was banned, it was clearly a joke and you could've just changed his name back. He couldn't really abuse that name, most people who play the server can differentiate between Sarugs and Sajugs.

So you're implying that score should be given for free to everyone who decides that they want to change name? I don't think that's the way things work around here. Even if we changed his username, the changed username would only be available for the current login session, no more than that.

VolkSWAGen and Timid, please stay out of this post as it in no way affects you.

As it goes for you Zupps, you need to wait for Sajugs' verdict on this case, as he was the one who banned you.
When did I ever say that? I said you could change his username back, never said he should get his score back. I'm sure you could change his username. The fact that he was banned because he changed his name to Sarugs makes me laugh.


Quote from: Timid on May 01, 2016, 03:48:39 PM
Quote from: EvilShadeZ on May 01, 2016, 03:37:49 PM
Quote from: Timid on May 01, 2016, 02:48:29 PM
Don't see why he was banned, it was clearly a joke and you could've just changed his name back. He couldn't really abuse that name, most people who play the server can differentiate between Sarugs and Sajugs.

So you're implying that score should be given for free to everyone who decides that they want to change name? I don't think that's the way things work around here. Even if we changed his username, the changed username would only be available for the current login session, no more than that.

VolkSWAGen and Timid, please stay out of this post as it in no way affects you.

As it goes for you Zupps, you need to wait for Sajugs' verdict on this case, as he was the one who banned you.
When did I ever say that? I said you could change his username back, never said he should get his score back. I'm sure you could change his username. The fact that he was banned because he changed his name to Sarugs makes me laugh.

If he wanted to change his username back, he needed 750 score. Nobody ain't giving him that. And would you like a person with almost the same username as you imitating you on the server? Not everyone enjoys such "jokes". Especially that "banter" that Zupps has been part of lately.

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