Unban - Skerzy

Started by Skerzy, November 27, 2022, 10:04:33 AM

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Your ingame name: Skerzy
Date of Ban: 26.11.2022 (Day/Month/Year)
Ban reason:Speedhacks
Admin who banned you:Sajugs
Ban ID: 9186
Why should you be unbanned?: I do enjoy this server, I also used NO2 mod, which gives my car nitro and used it in hotpursuit. I wrote down 50 times I will not cheat on MSR
Proofs: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/726182200512348231/1046365050962706452/IMG_20221127_120025.jpg



Do not use any sort of cheat/mod that gives you advantage in minigames or world 0 again.

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