Unban - chepacheplu

Started by lamsigo, January 19, 2023, 04:25:40 PM

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Your ingame name:chepacheplu
Date of Ban: 19/01/2023
Ban reason: Car throwing/ID Swapping
Admin who banned you: Anticheat
Ban ID:932
Why should you be unbanned?:

I was driving quietly in a private world when suddenly I get banned by the anti-cheat, I don't understand why.
I think it's a mistake, I don't know what this cheat is


The ban ID you have provided is for a user named Dardo_Morales banned for Armor Hack in DM0.



And how about you tell us really what you were doing in the private world, because driving does not get you banned.


I was driving to test vehicles
Only: I had a mod to change the colors of my car, I don't know if it's forbidden or if that's really what got me banned but I didn't harm anyone


That does not get you banned. I am going to give you another chance to explain what you did, otherwise you can stay banned.


I already explained what I did, apart the mod to change the colors I had nothing
I have no advantage in lying (you have said : if I admit I am unban)
Moreover, I'm a in private world, I don't hurt nobody


Alright, since you did not come clean. This ban appeal is closed.

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