Unban - Tetra

Started by Tetra, February 02, 2023, 12:02:55 PM

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Your ingame name: Tetra
Date of Ban: (2/02/2023) - Date that my realization of the ban.
Ban reason: DM3 - WeaponHack M4
Admin who banned you: Probably bots
Ban ID: #7839
Why should you be unbanned?: I was always doing such things like preparing screenshots for roleplay servers that I want to do it cinematic shots. I didn't used any cheat or hack ever in SAMP platform. I guess it was an auto-ban to prohibit players who are hackers/cheaters.


The ban is from 11/06/2021 for player Jagged222. Unless you haven't been playing for 2 years, or you're lying, then theres no way you just realized you're banned.

Do you have a dynamic IP on your router that keeps changing? Because it seems like it might have you assigned a banned players IP address. I suggest trying to restart your router (turn it off entirely and back on) and check if you're still banned.


Quote from: Sajugs on February 03, 2023, 02:13:54 PMThe ban is from 11/06/2021 for player Jagged222. Unless you haven't been playing for 2 years, or you're lying, then theres no way you just realized you're banned.

Do you have a dynamic IP on your router that keeps changing? Because it seems like it might have you assigned a banned players IP address. I suggest trying to restart your router (turn it off entirely and back on) and check if you're still banned.

Now it has been soluted by me. Nicknamed person "Tetra" was banned from something I guess and than, I remembered my account "TetraBey". Thank you for your help. This topic can go archive now.

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