Unban - Shoir

Started by Shoir, May 14, 2023, 09:20:10 PM

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Your ingame name:Jax_Flint (far as I remember its been a long time)
Date of Ban:I dont remember its been a long time (it happened at 2022) (Day/Month/Year)
Ban reason:it was hacking but when I tried to change my IP and log in again it did be ip changing
Admin who banned you: dont know
Ban ID:#9129
Why should you be unbanned?:Well I hacked yes but I regret it now it was foolish and im sorry about it im changed now I dont want to bother anyone again just want to chill and take videos and to be honest im not gonna download hacks again i love my computer


Quote from: Sajugs on May 25, 2015, 10:15:16 AMIF YOU WERE BANNED FOR HACKING

If you were banned for hacks/cheats, showing a picture of your game folder proves nothing.

That being said you can even see that some of the files/folders were edited the day you posted this appeal.

If you wish to be unbanned you must follow the procedure:

Quote from: Sajugs on May 25, 2015, 10:15:16 AMIF YOU WERE FOUND GUILTY OF HACKING

If you have been confirmed to have been a hacker or your appeal is otherwise unsolvable, you can still get unbanned by posting a picture. You need to take a piece of paper and write on it "I will not cheat on MSR" 50 times, along with your username and date.

Here are some examples:


Ban appeal inactive, locked.

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