Your in-game name:[DskEnY]
Blackout Date: [05/08/2023] (Day/Month/Year)
Reason for ban:[I'm sorry to bother you but your server had a problem I don't have a very stable connection it's time and last night I was in a dm with my friend on your server and I I was banned for cheating when I don't cheat at all I don't know how to download a cheat So I would like an Unban please... because I was unfairly banned Especially since your server and me and my friends like yours I would really like it's to make me happy because I can't play with my friends anymore it was the only server where we really had fun!]
Admin who banned you: [I don't know who and the admin who banned me seems like a bot]
Disallowed ID:[DskEnY]
Why should you be unbanned? :[Because I was banned by mistake I was just playing with a friend...]