
Started by antoslayer, June 22, 2024, 02:18:07 PM

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Your ingame name: antoslayer
Date of Ban: (Day/Month/Year) i don't know
Ban reason: Car throwing/ID swapping
Admin who banned you: doesn't say
Ban ID: #9713
Why should you be unbanned?: because i never did that car throwing/ID swapping


The banned username is actually Noan_Jayoat.

If you didn't do it, what were you doing at the time of the ban then?


i havent log in the server for a few day and yesterday when i tried to log in, it says that i got banned from the server


Quote from: antoslayer on June 23, 2024, 11:53:51 AMi havent log in the server for a few day and yesterday when i tried to log in, it says that i got banned from the server

Well then I can't help you, someone on your account or network got you banned.


Your in-game name: [Meccer]
Blocked Date: (29/6/2024)
Reason for being blocked: [DM0 armour hack]
Admin who blocked you: [botadmin]
Block ID: #10976
Why should you be released from the block?:because I want to play here with my friends and my brother, this is a good freeroam server compared to others, this is better than the uif server, please unban 

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