Ban Appeal - TeamWavey

Started by WaveyGod, June 10, 2016, 02:48:47 AM

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Quote from: EvilShadeZ on June 12, 2016, 09:08:07 AM
Sajugs, get out of this case. He provided the wrong BAN ID, that's where the SouthSide comes from.

On the topic, how can "lag" make you airbreak?

Well it's his problem he provided the wrong ban ID.


You could've read that he provided another one, which is correct this time. Southside is completely irrelevant at this point.


EvilShadeZ, How did I airbreak, that's my question? I don't remember me 'air-breaking' on movie-server, nor do I remember downloading any file to make me airbreak? What do I even NEED a air-break hack for? I'm completely lost right now, I am telling you the truth, I swear, I just want to play, please find some way in your heart to forgive me, for this reason..


Well, I don't have to provide the evidence for this, but knowing that I banned you, whatever you did must have resembled airbreak. I'm not quite sold on your "lag" argument though.


Reason I've brought up lag was because, The time that i got banned, I've been DDoSed for some reason, and my packets was rising and lowering at certain points of the time, But i never remember airbreaking, I promise i don't EvilShadez, Please.


Quote from: WaveyGod on June 13, 2016, 03:17:56 PM
What do I even NEED a air-break hack for?

This is the sort of thing you should never say on a ban appeal. You are no the one to ask that question, we should be. There are plenty of hackers using airbreak and they all have their different reasons, so don't pretend that nobody would even have a reason to airbreak.


Sorry no disrespect, but I want EvilShadeZ to reply to my appeal, since he's the BANNING ADMIN, Sajugs, please do not post on my appeal please? I want EvilShadeZ to respond, 'for he did correct your mistake anyway, I want to talk to him now, thank you.


Quote from: WaveyGod on June 13, 2016, 08:26:24 PM
Sorry no disrespect, but I want EvilShadeZ to reply to my appeal, since he's the BANNING ADMIN, Sajugs, please do not post on my appeal please? I want EvilShadeZ to respond, 'for he did correct your mistake anyway, I want to talk to him now, thank you.

I can post here all I want as I'm within the Lead Admin ranks. Seems like you're just trying to avoid me bringing up valid points about the case.


Not avoiding you, I don't care what rank you are bro, Remind you it's a video game, and you're acting big over the internet bud, It's EvilShadeZ ban, let me talk to him, he's the one who banned me, Get off my post or please just leave me alone, I want to talk to EvilShadeZ, not you..He wants to know my reasoning, He already corrected you, Don't make him correct you again..Learn you thing, before you're quick to assume buddy :)


Quote from: WaveyGod on June 14, 2016, 12:56:33 PM
Not avoiding you, I don't care what rank you are bro, Remind you it's a video game, and you're acting big over the internet bud, It's EvilShadeZ ban, let me talk to him, he's the one who banned me, Get off my post or please just leave me alone, I want to talk to EvilShadeZ, not you..He wants to know my reasoning, He already corrected you, Don't make him correct you again..Learn you thing, before you're quick to assume buddy :)

How am I acting big? It doesn't matter who the banning admin is, every member of the admin team can state their opnion in the appeal. He never corrected me, you were the one who made the mistake in first place by posting wrong banID and had to be corrected.

Every admin has a right to bring up points and possibilities that other admins may have overlooked.


Na, he CORRECTED you for still being on the wrong subject, me and him were not talking about, keep your opinions to yourself, waiting for EvilShadeZ, have a good day :)


He has every bit as much right to write here as I do. Frankly, yeah. You did provide an incorrect ban id, but that's sorted. But still. It doesn't add up, airbreak, lag, etc. And even if, in the slightest chance it was the lag, how can we trust you with that? That you're not going to go back in and cheat again?


EvilShadeZ i swear on my Dead-Grandpops life, I will not do, what i was blamed for, air-breaking etc, I promise I'll be a changed men, I like your server, and it helps me out to make my test vids etc, please another chance.


Well, that's the worst thing to swear to I've ever heard.

There doesn't seem to be much neither of us can say about this, but, since this has been your first incident,
I think I could let you off. I'm putting a lot of trust in you right now, don't change my mind. Also, please stick to a single username in-game.

Unbanned (for now)


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