Chan's ban appeal

Started by AlmightyChan, June 20, 2016, 11:54:32 PM

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Your ingame name: Chan
Date of Ban: 21-06-2016
Ban reason: Hacking an M4?...
Admin who banned you: I don't know.
Ban ID: 207
Why should you be unbanned?: Because I never hacked on SA-MP in my whole life.
I am a legit player that has been playing this server for a long time now..


How can I be so sure you didn't hack? And how comes you obtained an M4 in DM 0?


No fucking idea, must of been some kind of bug in the server.. I have no type of hack I can spawn weapons with and I never had one..
And you also know me for kinda long time and you now I play the server since the beginning.
So why would I be so dumb even if I had a weapon hack to hack an M4 in /dm 0?........ think about it.


I can think as much as I want, but the answer will be the same. How did you get banned? Let's say, you got banned by a bug, when explain in more detail how the bug occurred, so we can prevent it, and get you unbanned.

What commands did you do, what other things?


I think how long you've played on the server is irrelevant as I've seen veteran players use hacks.


But I would never hack and you can check the logs about wich anims I did etc. right?
Because I don't remember 100% of it but I remember I joined tdm or something and quit it, then joined /dm 0 and received the weapons at the time but I already /leave'd..
If I'm not correct don't blame me, I am not 100% sure but you can check in the logs.


Such things are not logged for various reasons.


I don't know what happend anymore? Wanna keep me banned? Keep me banned but I know that I didn't do shit why would I fucking hack an m4 in /dm 0 do you think i am retarded?


Quote from: AlmightyChan on June 22, 2016, 12:30:09 AM
why would I fucking hack an m4 in /dm 0 do you think i am retarded?

Why would you even ask us such a question? People have their own reasons to hack, we ain't supposed to guess it and we sure as hell don't give a damn why you would do it.

If you were "wrongly banned by a bug" you would know it and note what happened so you could later provide an explenation, yet you "dont remember 100% what happened" and remember that "you joined tdm or something".

Not very convincing.


Just trust me on my word and unban me please I swear to god that it was not possible that I hacked an M4 because I don't even have an hack to spawn guns with or something similar.


so please unban me it wont ever happen again, i have no idea how it happend but i think it was a bug what can i say/do more?


The "See you ingame" you said seemed quite a lot like you trying to ban evade.


No it's just bullshit I was raging because this is an un-fair ban for real.. if I hacked why would I ban appeal?


To hack again? I don't know.

Frankly, you're not making this easy. If it were an unfair ban, please provide us a starting point of finding this issue. If not, how can I be so sure you didn't hack?


All I remember that I was switching alot of /dm's /tdm's to /hotpursuit etc. so I think that it probably bug me out and got me the weapons of another /dm /tdm or /hotpursuit etc.

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