
Started by EBKDarnell, June 26, 2016, 01:32:31 AM

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Your ingame name: EBKDarnell
Date of Ban: No idea.
Ban reason: "Auto Fucking Cbug"
Admin who banned you: No clue.
Ban ID: #116
Why should you be unbanned?: Because I was in DM 0 and I was 1v1ing this dude, and we were both cbugging. I was cbugging super fast and then got banned for auto cbug, what the actual fuck.


This was a ban by an admin. Please record a video of your keyboard, mouse and screen while chugging, to prove you weren't cheating.



Quote from: EBKDarnell on June 26, 2016, 10:49:34 AM

By recording a video of your mouse, keyboard and screen.

Here's a video of someone else banned for auto cbug proving their innocence. If you're actually as good to c-bug as fast for others to think its auto c-bug, you'll post the video.



Quote from: Sajugs on June 26, 2016, 11:55:37 AM
Quote from: EBKDarnell on June 26, 2016, 10:49:34 AM

By recording a video of your mouse, keyboard and screen.

Here's a video of someone else banned for auto cbug proving their innocence. If you're actually as good to c-bug as fast for others to think its auto c-bug, you'll post the video.

I do not have a phone, it broke last month. I can record with my desktop camera for proof, but it's built in, I cannot multitask recordings.


notice how there is no pop-ups, or anything when I shoot, I shoot normally and cbug on my own, no 3rd party script is forcing me to cbug.


We want to see YOU doing it. Video of keyboard, hands and screen to prove it.


Quote from: EvilShadeZ on June 26, 2016, 07:02:24 PM
We want to see YOU doing it. Video of keyboard, hands and screen to prove it.
I just fucking told you that my phone is broke. And what do you mean, me? That's my youtube channel, it was uploaded today, thats fucking bullshit, Shadez, my phone is literally broke and I swear to God, but whatever, keep me banned until I figure something out I guess, because I have no way of doing that impossible bullshit you just told me to do.


Quote from: EBKDarnell on June 26, 2016, 01:30:05 PM

notice how there is no pop-ups, or anything when I shoot, I shoot normally and cbug on my own, no 3rd party script is forcing me to cbug.

That video literally proves nothing as it's edited to hell, could be cut out from anyone elses video or still preformed using c-bug scripts. Why would you cut the top and the bottom out? Not all c-bug scripts have popups btw

Quote from: EBKDarnell on June 26, 2016, 11:31:30 PM
I just fucking told you that my phone is broke. And what do you mean, me? That's my youtube channel, it was uploaded today, thats fucking bullshit, Shadez, my phone is literally broke and I swear to God, but whatever, keep me banned until I figure something out I guess, because I have no way of doing that impossible bullshit you just told me to do.

That's a cute excuse I've heard about a million times on the internet. I guess we'll be waiting until you get a new phone or borrow someone elses then ;).


Quote from: Sajugs on June 27, 2016, 02:01:44 AM
Quote from: EBKDarnell on June 26, 2016, 01:30:05 PM

notice how there is no pop-ups, or anything when I shoot, I shoot normally and cbug on my own, no 3rd party script is forcing me to cbug.

That video literally proves nothing as it's edited to hell, could be cut out from anyone elses video or still preformed using c-bug scripts. Why would you cut the top and the bottom out? Not all c-bug scripts have popups btw

Quote from: EBKDarnell on June 26, 2016, 11:31:30 PM
I just fucking told you that my phone is broke. And what do you mean, me? That's my youtube channel, it was uploaded today, thats fucking bullshit, Shadez, my phone is literally broke and I swear to God, but whatever, keep me banned until I figure something out I guess, because I have no way of doing that impossible bullshit you just told me to do.

That's a cute excuse I've heard about a million times on the internet. I guess we'll be waiting until you get a new phone or borrow someone elses then ;).

Since you don't want the tops and bottoms cut out, I was on LS-GW trying not to server, advertise, and what the fuck is a cute excuse? I can have people vouch for me that I've been watching Netflix and Playing SAMP all day, since I can't contact nobody to hang out with, or anything, so stop making assumptions.


Is there really no way you can obtain somebody else's phone then? Or even use the front facing camera, if your phone has that.


Quote from: EBKDarnell on June 27, 2016, 03:33:08 AM
Since you don't want the tops and bottoms cut out, I was on LS-GW trying not to server, advertise, and what the fuck is a cute excuse? I can have people vouch for me that I've been watching Netflix and Playing SAMP all day, since I can't contact nobody to hang out with, or anything, so stop making assumptions.

It's an excuse I've heard millions of times over the course of my administration career. "My phone is broken, my camera is broken, my brother did it, blah blah blah" all these stupid excuses.

We're not taking your word for anything, so unless you can prove it..

How about you use a digital camera then? I'm sure you have one in your family. Or borrow someone elses phone?


Nah, my mom has an iPhone 6 and she doesn't let me use it, my brother is at MY friends house and for some apparent reason he took his iPad and Android. My phone is an Android aswell, and it is broken, I will try and upload a video of me charging it but my brother took my charger too.


Quote from: EBKDarnell on June 27, 2016, 03:52:51 PM
Nah, my mom has an iPhone 6 and she doesn't let me use it, my brother is at MY friends house and for some apparent reason he took his iPad and Android. My phone is an Android aswell, and it is broken, I will try and upload a video of me charging it but my brother took my charger too.
Whenever I charge it, it boots up with a yellow triangle and an exclamation mark in the middle, and stays on that screen for hours.


We don't need evidence on your phone being broken.

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