Ban for a serious internet bug.

Started by IGotCrazyprophet, June 29, 2016, 07:13:07 PM

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All of our evidence points towards you hacking, and you haven't given us any reason to think otherwise. All these example hacks you give us don't mean a thing as there are hundreds of different types of hacks, each working seperately and can be customized to your liking.

Honestly you being a regular player doest mean anything either, as more and more regular players turn out to be hacking or dissapointing us in various ways. If anything, being a regular player makes it easier to get away with stuff as peoples suspiction of you doing something will be smaller, so using the fact that you're a regular player as an excuse is really not gonna get you anyhwere.

Truth be told I want to believe you and wish it was a glitch and you really weren't cheating, but all the evidence says otherwise and I just can't take your word and unban you. You need to provide something more that can help us sort the case.

IGotCrazyprophet This is what my ping was when I joined the server. I had trouble freaking trying to catch criminals with this ping.

I can see you... Hiding isn't going to get you anywhere.


If you believe I hacked (which once again I didn't) I won't do it again. I promise. Usually I dislike promising shit. But, I'm promising something I haven't done. If I get banned again, that's if I get unbanned, I won't bother the admins for a unban.

I can see you... Hiding isn't going to get you anywhere.


The only evidence I can provide is the two videos of hacks I've saw people used. I don't know if there is one that repairs a little, only one I can find.

I can see you... Hiding isn't going to get you anywhere.


Heres another admin of another that faced the same problem but fixed it. betterdashb was kicked out the server though.

I can see you... Hiding isn't going to get you anywhere.


Quote from: IGotCrazyprophet on June 30, 2016, 02:03:55 AM
Heres another admin of another that faced the same problem but fixed it. betterdashb was kicked out the server though.

Let's start with the fact that you need to stop posting replies one after another, it's against forum rules. If you're reply is the latest one, edit it, not post a new one.

Secondly, the thread you linked me to is from 2012, not to mention it's something completely irrelevant to what happened. At this point it just really seems like you're just trying to grasp for any excuse/proof you can find.

We'll be replying to this again shortly.


I can see you... Hiding isn't going to get you anywhere.


I should've relogged if I knew I was seriously bugged.

I can see you... Hiding isn't going to get you anywhere.


Below is what I can confirm:
1) IGotCrazyprophet getting out of the burning car, being near when it exploded, and not taking any damage. Could be a lag spike, okay.
2) Rapidly running away on foot. Not so rapidly as to be clearly hacking, but still noticeable.
3) Spawning a car out of nowhere. I may be mistaken, but I hadn't seen any around.


Smith, when the car got on fire, I spammed the enter button and got out and ran. You know the prone glitch? My brother claims I was in the prone glitch.
Next, when I was running, I was SPAMMING the soul out of my keyboard. I can show you a demonstration of me running away from people on a different server.
The spawning car part. I cant really explain that, all I can say is betterdashb was in the hotpursuit and he timed out. It even shows on the video that he timed out, and there was a car in the sewers. You know the gray square or triangles on the map? That indicates there is a vehicle in that location. I really wish I can react everything and record it this time. If I can show you what happened, it would explain everything.

My brother saw the exact same thing as you guys saw, even my friend on skype. I was completely desynced. I didn't use any hacks.

I can see you... Hiding isn't going to get you anywhere.


I don't know if I fully believe you yet, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.

I will unban you, but we will be keeping a close eye on you so make sure this sorta shit doesn't happen again.

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