ACCE Ban appeal.

Started by ACCEe, July 02, 2016, 04:09:55 PM

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Your ingame name: ACCE
Date of Ban: No idea.
Ban reason: No idea. I just logged in and it shows that I'm banned.
Admin who banned you: I don't know.
Ban ID: Can't see any id.
Why should you be unbanned?: I'm sure there's an logical explanation for this. I usually came to the server to test out mods, fun around in my private world or do some screens I needed for another RP server.


Relog, if you can't obtain a ban ID, it means you have been range banned because you were ban evading.


I tried it before and nothing. Tried it again now and still the same. Is there a way to find out why I was originally banned?


You've been banned for DM5 weapon hacks and multiple cases of ban evade.


Is there a way to prove that I didn't? Because I only used the sevrer for testing mods, funning around in a private world and doing screens for another server.

And I've tired DM dust2 for 2 times. Never been in others DM maps.


Quote from: ACCEe on July 02, 2016, 05:30:25 PM
Is there a way to prove that I didn't? Because I only used the sevrer for testing mods, funning around in a private world and doing screens for another server.

And I've tired DM dust2 for 2 times. Never been in others DM maps.

You got banned because of this player.;u=113

We simply don't remove range bans for players that say that they didn't do it.


I have no idea who that is. So there's nothing to do about it?


I can get IG again, does it mean I'm unbanned?


No, it means you're ban evading.


What I need to do to get unbanned? Just because some kid close to me was using hacks, I'm banned?


That could be the case. Another case could be you were using hacks instead. We can't know which one it is, so better to be safe than sorry.


It's a movieserver. Using hacks in here would be stupid. I don't care about DM in SAMP. And the range ban is just and stupid idea.


Quote from: ACCEe on July 03, 2016, 05:53:12 PM
It's a movieserver. Using hacks in here would be stupid. I don't care about DM in SAMP. And the range ban is just and stupid idea.

Range ban is only used upon multiple evasions of regular ban.


So the same guy used to hack and evade before I joined? When did he get banned?


Well, since it came out that I have a static IP and the rage ban is on me. Maybe is there another way to get unbanned like getting limited user with no DM/Copchase? Or I can use my email to register IG or something?
Since I really used the server for testing mods/doing screens in private world.

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