There are certain rules when it comes to usage of these forums. Not following these rules will get your account infracted and/or banned.
1. No disrespect or provoking of any kind.
This is pretty straight forward. No flame wars, no disrespectful behavior towards other members or provoking them.
2. No spamming.
Do not write useless replies, post useless threads or flood the forum with unrelated information.
3. No illegal or adult content.
No warez, pirated material or pornography allowed.
4. No advertising.
No advertising of other servers.
5. English only in main boards.
If you wish to speak another language, use the non-English board.
6. No double+ posting
No double, triple, quad, etc posting. If your post is the most recent one, you need to edit it instead of making a new one. The only time when it's acceptable to double post is if your reply is older than a week.