[Ban appeal] smh

Started by 6god, September 03, 2016, 05:04:41 PM

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Your ingame name: smh
Date of Ban: 09/02/2016
Ban reason: DM3 Weapon hack - AK47
Admin who banned you: AC
Ban ID: 851
Why should you be unbanned?: I had an AK47 from free roaming and when I entered /dm 3 it banned me for weapon hacks. Lag or a bug must've caused this to happen to me, and the person who was banned for the SAME thing recently: http://forum.reloadedserver.com/index.php/topic,381.0.html

I accidentally deleted my other appeal so the replies are gone. How else can I prove I didn't weapon hack in a movie server?


Due to your carelessness (removing thread), your ban will expire on the 6th of September.

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